The birth place of intimacy is consistency. I will coach you in building consistent times of devotion with the Lord. I will help you build a plan that keeps oil in your lamp at all times.
Idenitiy In Christ is the birthplace of a fruitful life in all spheres He has called us to. I will help you see , who He see's when He looks at you.
Jesus boldly says in John 10 , my sheep hear my voice. I promise you if you're His sheep , you hear Him. I will help you hear Him more clearly and frequently.
Divine Health and healing the sick , is the inheritance of every born again beliver. I will help you get well and stay well and release healing to all who are in need.
God has given us all a destiny. I will help you get clarity on what that is and how to walk in it.
4718 Cody Drive,WD,50265